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- CNET Computers.com
CNET's consumer service offers facts about computer and electronic gear. Compare prices, find merchants or read reviews.
- StreetPrices.com
Compare prices for computers, components, and gadgets. Includes direct links to vendors and graphical representations of items' price changes.
- RadioShack
Locate the nearest store to your home and find out about new products and services, with online product support.
- Future Shop
Browse computers, printers, scanners, modems, software, and networking systems from this web-based retailer. Compare items, or make an order.
- Best Buy
Major retailer of computers and electronics showcases its weekly specials and catalog items. Order online or find the closest store.
- Circuit City
Check news releases, job postings, and a company profile. Also features product descriptions, FAQs, details about rebates, and a catalog.
- ZDNet - ComputerShopper.com
Lists thousands of software and hardware products from a variety of vendors. See reviews, technical and buying tips, and reseller details.
- Egghead.com
Shop for computers, software, office products, electronics, sporting goods and jewelry from this retail company.
- CompUSA
Computer and electronics superstore invites shoppers to peruse its catalog of desktop systems, notebooks and relevant accessories.
- Tiny Online
There is nothing small about the quantity of service provided by this Internet service provider in Britain. Find out how to sign up.
- RadioShack Corporation - Company Homepage
Retailer of consumer electronics and computers formerly known as Tandy Corporation. Obtain facts and data on business operations.
- Gateway
Configure, customize, and order your dream computer. Links to a product catalog, tech support, and YourWare, Gateway's financing program.
- Used Computer Mall, The
Users can appraise and list what they want to buy or sell, find specialist dealers, and see what they have for sale.
- Computer Discount Warehouse
Illinois reseller with discount prices on brand name hardware and software for Macs and PCs. Toll-free tech support and 30-day return policy.